Tuesday, April 14, 2009

haha...tis is funny.....

i read sth just nw.....
should be a serious ting...
but dunno y,i feel so funny....

I feel tat ting is talking bout me....
but i feel like i did nth wrong....
and i nv hev tis kind of pro bfr....

everyting need a process...
make a cake also need so many steps,
u miss 1 step, u wont get the cake tat u want...

haha.... tis blog is for YOU, yeah yeah it's YOU....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kecpkan menyerang...........

huh......... CAPEK....... tu lh kt yg plg bgs buat w skrg....... mentally en physically.........

countdown to pulkam....wakaka....... gila dy....... cmpr2....gado2.....watever.....

ICF,IFM,ACL,assignment......... bosan..........

Tuhan tak prnh membrkan cobaan yg g bs dilalui oleh umtnya....w prcy klmt tu........>_<

slmt mlm kuktkan kepd dunia.......nitez.......